Saint Joan Character

In the play "Saint Joan," the main character is Joan of Arc, a young French peasant girl who becomes a military leader and religious icon. Joan is a complex and multifaceted character who is driven by her strong sense of faith and her belief that she is destined to serve a higher purpose.

Throughout the play, Joan displays a number of admirable qualities, including courage, determination, and conviction. She is willing to stand up for her beliefs and is not afraid to challenge authority, even when it puts her in danger. At the same time, Joan is also depicted as being vulnerable and human, with moments of doubt and fear.

One of the key themes of the play is the conflict between faith and reason, and Joan's character serves as a foil to the more skeptical and rational-minded characters in the play. Her strong sense of faith and her belief in a higher purpose ultimately led to her downfall, as she is put on trial for heresy and executed by the Church.

Overall, Joan is a complex and compelling character who is central to the themes and events of "Saint Joan." She is a memorable and enduring figure in the history of English literature and continues to be admired for her strength and conviction.

Here are a few quotes from "Saint Joan" that highlight important aspects of Joan's character:

"I am not afraid. I was born to do this." 

This quote, spoken by Joan, demonstrates her sense of purpose and her belief that she is destined to serve a higher purpose.

"I am only a poor girl, who knows nothing but what God teaches me." 

- This quote shows Joan's humility and her reliance on her faith as a guiding force in her life.

"I have done no more than obey God." 

- This quote highlights Joan's conviction and her belief that she is acting according to the will of God.

"I cannot believe that God would make a choice, and then leave it to the Church to unmake it." 

- This quote demonstrates Joan's skepticism of the Church and her willingness to challenge authority.

"I will not retract what I have said. I will not change what I have done. I believe that I have acted according to the will of God." 

- This quote, spoken by Joan at her trial, shows her determination and her unwillingness to compromise her beliefs, even in the face of death.

These quotes give insight into Joan's character and her motivations in the play "Saint Joan." They reveal her as a strong, determined, and faith-driven woman who is willing to stand up for what she believes in, even in the face of opposition.
